Command-line OptionsΒΆ

PITLAKQ provides command-line options.

Just typing pitlakq or pitlakq -h at the command line will bring up this output:

usage: pitlakq [-h] [-v] {init,run,create,introspect} ...

positional arguments:
    init                initialize PITLAKQ and create `.pitlakq`
    run                 start the calculation of a model
    create              creates a new project folder with empty sub folders
    introspect          find out internals of PITLAKQ or your projects

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show version info and exit

The program is organized in subcommands such as init or run. For example, run takes the name of the project to be run as obligatory argument:

pitlakq run -h
usage: run [-h] project_name

run a project

positional arguments:
  project_name  name of project to be calculated

The subcommand introspect allows to explore internals:

pitlakq introspect
usage: introspect [-h] [-w] [-p]

find out internals

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -w, --w2-names  show w2 names
  -p, --projects  show all projects

The option -w in short or w2-names in long form displays a long for named used in CE-QUAL-W2 (see CE-QUAL-W2 documentation) and their corresponding names in PITLAKQ.

The option --projects lists all projects in the in model path.